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 | Welcome to the Gardening Australia Newsletter: 20/04/2012 | Coming Up This Week | | On the Verge - Going Green - Get the Tropical Look - Banksias in Bloom - A Difficult Block - The Vegie Patch Read more ABC 1: Saturday 21 April 2012, 6:30pm and Sunday 22 April 2012, 1:00pm | Watch a Story | | The Vegie Patch 20/04/2012 Preview a Story from the Upcoming Show Watch video | Find a Fact Sheet | | Going Green Presenter: Jerry Coleby-Williams, 21/04/2012 Jerry starts planting some fast growing Asian Greens and gives some tips for successful results Read more | Browse the Video Archive | | There are three ways you can access Gardening Australia video: Streaming: Watch short clips of various segments online. Download: Manually download the complete episodes to your computer. Vodcast: Subscribe and have the complete episodes automatically downloaded to your computer. | Gardening Australia Forum | | Got a gardening question? Why not go to our forum where you can talk to other keen gardeners, share ideas, help others or just share your passion for plants. Join the conversation | Gardening Australia Magazine | | MAY ISSUE AVAILABLE NOW MY MUM'S GARDEN: When Josh Byrne visits his mum at the home she shares with his stepfather, he is always inspired by their design innovations.
ROSE TROUBLESHOOTING: Learn how to avoid black spot and how to grow from cuttings. Plus, thornless options, ones that have drought tolerance, roses goods for growing in pots and the best perfumed roses.
MAKE HOT COMPOST: If you want compost fast, the best way to do it is to turn the heat up. Follow the step-by-step instructions to build a hot compost pit at your place.
ONIONS WITH MAGGIE: No matter where you live in Australia, you can try your hand at growing onions. Maggie shares her growing tips and then a couple of recipes where onion is the star of the dishes.
ATTRACTING THE GOOD BUGS: If you'd like an organic way to get rid of pests, one way to do it is to attract insects that will kill them.
IN THE GARDEN NOW: Discover what's in flower during the month of May as we reach the end of autumn.
ALSO IN THIS ISSUE - How to have a successful garden working bee
- Your 12-page action diary
- Jackie French recalls the antics of her pet cockie when she was a girl
- Leonard Cronin profiles the spotted-tailed quoll
- Sophie Thomson takes us on a trip to Victor Harbor in South Australia
- Denis Crawford has solutions for the pests and diseases of spring bulbs
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You can now upload your gardening photos and videos easily from your computer and share your garden with fellow gardeners on the Gardening Australia website.
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