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 | Welcome to the Gardening Australia Newsletter: 15/11/2013 |
Coming Up This Week | | Reading the Signs - Turning the Tide - Repairing the Land - Linking the Landscape - The Bottom Line Read more ABC 1: Saturday 16 November 2013, 6:30pm // Sunday 17 November 2013, 1:00pm
| Watch a Story | | Turning the Tide 16/11/2013 Preview a Story from the Upcoming Show Watch video | Find a Fact Sheet | | Reading the Signs Presenter: Jerry Coleby-Williams, 16/11/2013 Jerry visits a farmer who is increasing productivity by managing his land for biodiversity and ultimately, profitability Read more | Browse the Video Archive | | There are three ways you can access Gardening Australia video: Streaming: Watch short clips of various segments online. Download: Manually download the complete episodes to your computer. Vodcast: Subscribe and have the complete episodes automatically downloaded to your computer. | Gardening Australia Magazine - December | | DECEMBER ISSUE AVAILABLE NOW MEET OUR GARDENER OF THE YEAR We introduce the 2013 Gardener of the Year, Dianne Michalk, find out about her passion for gardening and explore her country-style garden. Don't miss Gardening Australia on November 23 on ABC1 when Sophie Thomson tours her garden.
HOME-GROWN CHRISTMAS GIFTS Make gifts for family and friends from the produce from your garden. Our selection of recipes for fresh lemonade, chilli jam, lavender shortbread, piccalilli and coriander pesto are sure-fire winners!
MAKE YOUR OWN FESTIVE WREATH Follow our simple step-by-step guide to make your own festive wreath using a few basic items and the blooms from your garden. It can be hung at your own front door, or it makes a fabulous gift.
PAUL BANGAY'S BORDER PLANTING TIPS When renowned landscape designer Paul Bangay created perennial borders for Stonefields, his property in Victoria, it was a process of trial and error. He reveals the tricks he's learnt for creating beautiful borders that make a statement.
SUMMER LOVIN' As the temperature rises, we list the top 10 jobs you need to get stuck into this summer. Tino also shares his advice on growing beans and Angus reveals how to have growing success with flannel flowers, one of his favourite natives.
- How to get your garden ready for Christmas entertaining
- Costa tells us about a school initiative inspiring him
- Find out what Jackie French is up to in her garden this month
- Discover the hidden gems of the NSW Central Coast
- The fascinating habits of microbats
- Your pet questions answered
- Gardening problems and solutions
- A fun gardening crossword
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