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| Welcome to the Gardening Australia Newsletter: 14/11/2014 | Coming Up This Week | | SPECIAL: WATER Coolibah Swamp - Water Plants - Blending In - Master Grafter - A Touch of Green Read more ABC TV: Saturday 15 November 2014, 6:30pm and Sunday 16 November 2014, 1:00pm | Watch a Story | | Water Plants 15/11/2014 Preview a Story from the Upcoming Show Watch video | Find a Fact Sheet | | Master Grafter Presenter: Jerry Coleby-Williams, 15/11/2014 Jerry visits a grower to find out how grafting is used to create prolific fruit trees Read more | Browse the Video Archive | | There are three ways you can access Gardening Australia video: Streaming: Watch short clips of various segments online. Download: Manually download the complete episodes to your computer. Vodcast: Subscribe and have the complete episodes automatically downloaded to your computer. | Weekly Gardening Action Plan | | Tomato problems are still on the minds of many people. The key to minimising disease is rotating your crops:
Tropical Zone Bacterial wilt is one of the most common problems in the tropics. Put a cutting in a glass of water - if the water turns milky, it's a bacterial problem and you need to pull your tomatoes out and rotate your crops: Basic, Practical Crop Rotation Subtropical Zone In the subtropics, fungal diseases like Fusarium or Verticillium wilts are common problems. Here's how to treat them - and remember to plant your tomatoes in a different place each year: Organic Fungicides Fact Sheet Temperate Zone After dull weather, sunburn can be a real problem with tomatoes and other sensitive crops. Here's how to protect them: Give Them Shelter Fact Sheet Arid Zone Irregular watering and an underlying calcium deficiency can lead to blossom end rot (where the bottom of the tomatoes becomes scabby and brown): Tomato Tactics Article - Organic Gardener Magazine Cool Zone Budworm can eat holes right through your tomatoes. We'd recommend a BT spray - please see the following list of organic pest remedies for more information: Pest Remedies Fact Sheet And if you want some ideas of what to plant in the vegie patch, don't forget to visit The Vegie Guide or Download the App | Gardening Australia Magazine | | DECEMBER ISSUE AVAILABLE NOW! AND THE WINNER IS.... We're thrilled to announce the winner of this year's Gardener of the Year, Kelly Kershaw from Bodalla, New South Wales. Take a tour of her gorgeous country garden and learn how she transformed the property over the past decade.
THE ONLY WAY IS UP With space being at a premium in urban areas, vertical gardens are becoming more and more popular. John Patrick extols their virtues and explains the key elements to consider to make sure yours is a success.
PASSIONFRUIT Q & A This ever-popular climber is a great way to utilise space on a sunny backyard fence. Jerry Coleby-Williams explains which varieties are best and how to give them the conditions they love. We've also included answers to some common questions.
SHOWSTOPPING ZINNIAS This month, we profile the bright and beautiful zinnia flower. They're easy to grow from seed but we give you some insider tips to make sure they're happy in your garden. We also share some of our favourite varieties.
COOKING WITH EGGPLANT If you live in a warm climate, you have the perfect conditions to grow eggplant. Once your eggplant are ready to harvest, create a delicious meal with one of our recipes.
- Festive table decoration ideas
- How to grow a cutting garden
- The Gardening Australia team celebrates 25 years
- Dwarf fruit for pots
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