Jerry tells us about the cabbage white butterfly parasite; Millie talks about poisonous plants; and Jane meets a gardener who has created a spectacular plant-filled garden in an unforgiving, inland climate.
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Costa repurposes an old bathtub to make a worm palace; Sophie profiles the cherry plum; Jane visits the country's newest quarantine facility; and we meet a couple who have dedicated their lives to Australia’s amazing native plants.
With school holidays starting (or about to start) in many parts of the country, now's the perfect time to get the kids or grandkids out into the garden!
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Tino shows us how to protect maples from aphids; learn how to make Lemon Slice out of your excess lemon produce; Sophie visits a couple who have thousands of roses in their beautiful collection and Jerry talks about being alert to garden timing.
Josh visits the Department of Agriculture and Food to find out about an exciting new app that helps to report insect sightings, beneficial or not, in home gardens.
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