| Next on: Tonight 7.30pm, Rpt Sunday 1.30pm on ABC + iview | | | | |
Coming up | | Jane and Millie help create a high-rise garden, Costa visits a knockout flower display, Josh finds out how you can increase biodiversity in the garden and Jerry gets the low-down on the invasive fire ant. | | | | | |
 | | Backyard Biodiversity | | Tonight 7.30pm on ABC + iview | | Josh gets a home visit from a local ecologist to learn how to improve his backyard biodiversity | | | | | |  | | Tiny Terrors - Fire Ants | | Fact Sheet | | Jerry learns about what gardeners can do to stop a dangerous and invasive ant species. | | | | | | | | |
Catch up on ABC iview | | Never miss a gardening moment! | | | | | | | | | |
Voting Closes This Sunday! | | Thank you for voting for us – we’ve received three Logies nominations thanks to you! Most Popular Lifestyle Program (Gardening Australia) Most Popular Presenter (Costa) Gold Logie for the Most Popular Personality on Australian TV (Costa) But we need your help again! This time you’ll be voting for us to WIN the Logies! Voting closes this Sunday, 30th June at 7:30pm AEST Come on gardeners! Let’s put gardening on the TV map and Grow for Gold! | | | | | |
| |  | | Gardening Australia Weekly QuizWhen referring to 'NPK' fertiliser, the 'P' stands for A) Potassium B) Phosphorus C) Potential Tune in next week to test your knowledge! Answer to last week's question: Q. Where does vanilla come from? A: The vanilla orchard | | | | | |
What to plant this weekend | | Tropical Climate Zone - Capsicum
- Cucumber
- Onion
- Zucchini
Subtropical Climate Zone - Florence Fennel
- Cabbage
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Mustard Greens
Arid Climate Zone - Asparagus
- Broad Beans
- Kale / Collards
- Peas / Snow Peas
Temperate Climate Zone - Chicory
- Endive
- Garlic
- Shallots
Cool Climate Zone - Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Silverbeet
- Turnips
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Jobs for the weekend | | Cool Temperate - It’s time to dig up Dahlia bulbs. Cut the spent foliage back down to the ground, lift the tubers, clean off the soil, and store them in sand until spring.
- It’s not too late to plant out some pansies for some perfect pops of late winter colour. Great in pots or the ground, these gorgeous annuals love a sunny spot, and will bring a smile to your dial.
- If you like berries, you’ll love the Loganberry, a sweet cross between the blackberry and raspberry. Plant a cane or two now, and you’ll be enjoying the fruits of your labour by summer!
Warm Temperate - Gardeners in warm temperate areas, why not track down a tree onion? Easy to grow, the bulbs, foliage and aerial “top sets” of these weird walking onions are all edible, and totally delicious.
- The Australian native Rice Flower, Ozothamnus, are in flower right now. These compact, small shrubs make a great feature plant, and will reward you with masses of spring and winter blooms.
- How fabulous are feijoas? The plants are tough and evergreen, the flowers are stunning, and the flavour of the fruit is out of this world! Find a spot in your garden for one (or more) this weekend.
Subtropical - What’s bitter, crispy, white and red all over? It’s Radicchio, and it’s a great time to sow the seeds of this peppery Italian chicory, just perfect for salads and savoury dishes.
- Resist the urge to prune spring flowering shrubs now – you’re likely to chop off the forming/developing flower buds and do yourself out of a floral display come spring.
- If you’ve got a sweet tooth, why not grow your own chocolate pudding? The fruit of the Black Sapote is deliciously sweet and chocolatey, and these neat, small trees are gorgeous features.
Tropics - It’s time to get ginger into the ground at your place. Find a sheltered spot with rich, moist soil, and drop in some fresh, healthy rhizomes – you’ll be rocking this root in no time.
- For a splash of bright winter colour in the tropical garden, pop in a Golden Candle Plant - Pachystachyus lutea. These bushy shrubs with their unusual showy golden bracts put on a ripper display at this time of year.
- If you’ve struggled to keep your greens going during the dry season, why not plant a sweet potato? The foliage of this starchy staple is edible, and a great hardy alternative to traditional greens!
Arid Zones - Arid zone gardeners, it’s a great time to throw some Jerusalem Artichoke tubers into the ground. Relatives of the sunflower, these handsome flowering plants produce masses of tasty, edible tubers – what a gas!
- It’s the perfect time of year to show your potted herbs some TLC. Refresh tired potting mix, give them a feed and mulch your pots – your herbs will be happier for it.
- Spend some time pruning and shaping your deciduous bonsais. Remove excess twigs and damaged branches, and then prune to develop the flowing lines and voids of these stunning tiny trees.
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Your Place | | Proud of some work you’ve done in the garden? Looking for some gardening inspiration? Why not head over to Your Place on the Gardening Australia website where you can share your gardening photos! You can also get great tips and ideas from other gardeners while you’re there! | | | | | | | | | | The ABC sent this message to garden336.tool@blogger.com these details are included to help provide assurance that this is a genuine email from ABC. Any personal details and data acquired by the ABC from your participation in any ABC Online Services will be used only in accordance with the ABC's Privacy Policy. | | | | |