| Next on: Tonight 7.30pm, Rpt Sunday 1.30pm on ABC + iview | | | | |
| | Costa Georgiadis gets an expert’s top turf tips, Sophie Thomson visits a garden designed for time poor gardeners, Paul West cooks up a storm in a school kitchen garden, and we meet a collage artist with a passion for nature. | | | | | |
 | | | | Tonight 7.30pm on ABC + iview | | Costa meets an expert turf grower and gets the low down on keeping a lawn healthy and green. | | | | | |  | | | | Fact Sheet | | Sophie visits the garden of a very busy landscape designer who has designed his own perfect working person’s garden, high on usability and low on maintenance. | | | | | | | | |
What to plant this weekend | | Tropical Climate Zone - Asparagus
- Celery
- Leeks
- Zucchini
Subtropical Climate Zone - Cauliflower
- Chives
- Radish
- Shallots
Arid Climate Zone - Beans (Climbing and Bush)
- Capsicum
- Lettuce
- Oregano
Temperate Climate Zone - Peas
- Carrots
- Parsley
- Rocket
Cool Climate Zone - Globe Artichoke
- Celery
- Florence Fennel
- Mizuna
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Jobs for the weekend | | Cool Climate Zone - Sow some rocket seed to follow your tomatoes. Rocket has been proven to disrupt the lifecycle of root-knot nematodes in the soil.
- Dead-head and fertilise your roses for an autumn bloom.
- If your basil’s setting seed, pull it out and hang it upside down by a peg with a sheet of paper underneath to catch drying seeds for next year.
Subtropical Climate Zone - It's a good time to divide that pungent allium substitute; society garlic. Lifting and dividing the plant every few years will improve its vigour.
- Chillies can be grown from seed year-round in the subtropics, so spice up your life, and sow some now.
- For a good screening plant, why not plant a native hibiscus, such as Hibiscus heterophyllus? The flowers can be white, pale pink or yellow.
Arid Climate Zone - Remember that plants in pots benefit from mulch too! Try gravel on the potting mix surface to slow water evaporation.
- Shallots are best planted now, so sow seed or bulbs; just make sure the soil is free draining.
- For the most exciting vegetable you’re not already eating, try Jicama, or Mexican turnip. It grows as a vine, so you can plant now and harvest the crunchy, sweet bulbous roots in winter when it dies down.
Temperate Climate Zone - Put some peas in. They grow before your eyes, fix nitrogen in the soil and are a joy for kids to eat fresh off the vine.
- Lay some mulch to protect your citrus trees’ shallow roots and set them up for a productive cool season.
- If you’re a bit of a spud fan, plant certified disease-free seed potatoes now.
Tropical Climate Zone - Now is a good time to plant fast-growing Asian greens.
- Prune euphorbia after flowering, to prevent the seed from setting and filling your garden with unwanted volunteers.
- If you need a quick cover crop to dig back into the soil as a green manure, try buckwheat. It only takes a month to mature! The seed’s cheaper if bought in bulk from a grocer!
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