10 garden tool kit every gardener needs

Gardeners may not agree on the best mulch or the perfect fertilizer, but there's one thing that every gardener agrees on: When it comes time to purchase tools, buy the best. Quality garden tool kit are an investment that yield dividends over time. Here are the top 10 garden tool kit every gardener should own. See our selection!

1. Trowel. A well-made trowel is your most important tool. From container gardening to large beds, a trowel will help you get your plants into the soil.
2. Hand Fork. A hand fork helps cultivate soil, chop up clumps, and work amendments into the soil. A hand fork is necessary for cultivating in closely planted beds.
3. Hoe. A long-handled hoe is a gardener's best friend. Keeping weeds at bay is the purpose of this useful tool.
4. Shovel. The sharper the better, a shovel is a requisite tool for planting large perennials, shrubs, and trees. The most basic act in the garden is breaking ground, so it stands to reason that a sharp shovel will be a key player.
5. Fork. You can't dig and divide perennials without a heavy-duty fork (and some dividing methods even suggest you own two!)
6. Watering can. Haws are the best in the business. This English watering can creates a fine even stream of water that delivers with a gentleness that won't wash seedlings or sprouting seeds out of their soil.
7. Hand pruners. Invest in a pair of quality pruners, such as Felco, which is clearly a cut above. This sturdy pruner is used for clipping rose canes, cutting back perennials, and any other trimming jobs that need to be done.
8. Loppers. For large pruning jobs that can't be accomplished with a hand pruner (such as pruning fruit tree limbs), use a sharp pair of loppers. Keep sharpened with a whetstone so that you make a clean healthy cut each time.
9. Gloves. Unless you want to wear your favorite hobby under your nails, use gloves. Leather gloves hold up best. If you have roses, get a pair that resist thorn pricks.
10. Hose. This is the fastest way to transport lots of water from your water source to your garden.