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 | Welcome to the Gardening Australia Newsletter: 12/10/2012 | Coming Up This Week | | Jumping the Fence - Wild Food - A Looming Threat - Growing Health - A Simple Solution Read more ABC 1: Saturday 13 October 2012, 6:30pm // Sunday 14 October 2012, 1:00pm | Watch a Story | | A Looming Threat 13/10/2012 John visits the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne to find out more about myrtle rust, a fungal disease that could threaten a huge range of Australian plant species Watch video | Find a Fact Sheet | | Growing Health Presenter: Josh Byrne, 13/10/2012 Josh gets stuck into some spring work in his garden to ensure a healthy season, free of pests and disease Read more | Browse the Video Archive | | There are three ways you can access Gardening Australia video: Streaming: Watch short clips of various segments online. Download: Manually download the complete episodes to your computer. Vodcast: Subscribe and have the complete episodes automatically downloaded to your computer. | Gardening Australia Forum | | Got a gardening question? Why not go to our forum where you can talk to other keen gardeners, share ideas, help others or just share your passion for plants. Join the conversation | Twitter | | FOLLOW GARDENING AUSTRALIA ON TWITTER For up to date information on the show, great gardening hints, advice and know-how, you can follow Gardening Australia on Twitter.
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