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 | Welcome to the Gardening Australia Newsletter: 12/04/2013 | Coming Up This Week | | Gardening Australia Special - Resources In this special episode, Costa and the team are looking at how waste can be turned into valuable resources that can be used to benefit all gardens and gardeners. Read more ABC 1: Saturday 13 April 2013, 6:30pm // Sunday 14 April 2013, 1:00pm
| Watch a Story | | Chat Online with Costa Today! 12/04/2013 1pm AEST facebook.com/gardeningaustralia Watch video | Find a Fact Sheet | | Future Proofing Plants Presenter: Josh Byrne, 13/04/2013 Josh visits a groundbreaking propagation nursery which is harnessing the ecology of wetlands to recycle water Read more | Browse the Video Archive | | There are three ways you can access Gardening Australia video: Streaming: Watch short clips of various segments online. Download: Manually download the complete episodes to your computer. Vodcast: Subscribe and have the complete episodes automatically downloaded to your computer. | Gardening Australia Forum | | Got a gardening question? Why not go to our forum where you can talk to other keen gardeners, share ideas, help others or just share your passion for plants. Join the conversation | The Vegie Guide Has Gone Mobile! | | The Vegie Guide iPhone App is here!
You'll find the regular features of the Vegie Guide plus a whole lot more that's interactive. Keep track of your vegie garden with notes, harvest prompts, a crop rotation guide and heaps of other helpful information to make your vegie garden bountiful.
The Vegie Guide App is free to download from the iTunes App Store now.
Read more | Organic Gardener Magazine | | MAY / JUNE 2013 ISSUE In the latest issue of ABC Organic Gardener, Peter Cundall's key to growing juicy, sweet pears, Penny Woodward shows you how to grow fast-maturing Asian Greens, plus the secrets of cider, zingy ginger recipes and saving with solar power.
Available at Newsagents, ABC Shops, Centres and from the Organic Gardener Website | | |
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