Subtropical Zone This weekend Jerry demonstrates how he tries to keep a balance of 'good' and 'bad' critters in his garden: Coming Up Cool Zone Pear and cherry slugs aren't slugs at all - they're insect larvae! They're also very annoying for cool-climate gardeners, but a targeted dusting of wood ash, flour or even talcum powder can help to control them: Pear and Cherry Slug Fact Sheet Temperate Zone Curl grubs or cockchafers - the grubs of various scarab beetles - can be murder on your lawns or container plants. Parasitic wasps and beneficial nematode are natural enemies, as are currawongs and magpies. If you dig any up, throw them to the birds!: Pest Remedies Fact Sheet Tropical Zone Fruit fly can still be a problem. Keep checking traps and pick up and heat-treat any diseased fruit by leaving in a sealed plastic bag in the sun before throwing into the garbage. And appreciate the garden spiders, assassin bugs and mantids that eat fruit fly for you!: Fruit Fly Fact Sheet Arid Zone Create an insectary this weekend to attract the best bugs (and other insects, of course) to your garden: Enticing the Insects Fact Sheet And if you want some ideas of what to plant in the vegie patch, don't forget to visit The Vegie Guide or Download the App |