FAQ gardening questions answered, creative containers + more!

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Gardening Australia
Welcome to the Gardening Australia Newsletter: 20/03/2015

Coming Up This Week

Coming Up This Week

The Flower Farmer - FAQ's - Creative Containers - Backyard Fruit - Shades of Green - Growing Pineapples

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ABC TV: Saturday 21 March 2015, 6:30pm and Sunday 22 March 2015, 1:00pm

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The Flower Farmer

The Flower Farmer
Preview a Story from the Upcoming Show
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Creative Containers

Creative Containers
Presenter: Costa Georgiadis, 21/03/2015
Costa gets creative sprucing up recycled containers to grow some productive herbs
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Weekly Gardening Action Plan

Weekly Gardening Action Plan

As the days slowly become shorter, it's a great time to think about introducing more year-round colour to your garden!

Tropical Zone
Divide ornamental gingers and heliconias to increase your plants and blooms for their next flowering season: Heliconias and Gingers Fact Sheet

Subtropical Zone
Don't overlook coloured foliage, like crotons, ornamental pineapples and Elephants Ears: Fabulous Foliage Fact Sheet

Temperate Zone
Consider expanding your rose collection by ordering some uncommon varieties for bare-rooted winter planting and summer colour: Heritage Roses Fact Sheet

Arid Zone
Native everlastings love to be direct-sown this time of year so they have a chance to settle in before it gets too cold: A Spectacular Show Fact Sheet

Cool Zone
Why not plant some spring-flowering bulbs in pots or in the garden - this is the time of year that some unusual and rare varieties are available: Spring-Flowering Bulbs Fact Sheet

And if you want some ideas of what to plant in the vegie patch, don't forget to visit The Vegie Guide or Download the App

Gardening Australia - gardening for you, gardening for the planet

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